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Never leave a friend behind. Friends are all we have to get us through this life, and they are the only things from this world that we can hope to see in the next.

August 01, 2013

So my arm is healing pretty well, I think...I have to wear this contraption for 6 weeks (until the end of august) No changing bandages, no taking it off... I have to put a garbage bag over it to shower ( no, i'm not posting THOSE pics)
It keeps my wrist and fingers bent back to keep strain off my healing tendons.... I can only sleep on my back, with my arm sticking up in the air..... lame, because I am normally a side sleeper.... I want to pop my knuckles or even just make a fist SO bad.... but I can't.....


My arm is straight up and down in this pic.... shows the angle my fingers are at.....

Just a reminder for anyone getting into bigger electric planes. These planes have big props and a lot of power... biggest I have used anyway, and about 5-6 times the power of any of my other planes... if you think you are safe around props... double up on precautions.... I thought I was [I]ULtra[/I] safe... but turns out... I wasn't being safe enough.....

July 20, 2013

Hey guys n gals, I am typing this with one hand...... The good news is the doctor says i should fully recover movement in my other hand... within a year or so.....

So, Wednesday evening (July 17), I finally got my 12x4 prop, the last piece I needed to complete my Multiplex Funcub, I ream it to fit my prop adapter, install it, and my funcub is [I]finally[/I] complete... Now to test the motor. So I hook up my amp meter and slowly start running it up..... All looks good, until just as I reach full throttle, it starts to sound weird......

As I start to throttle down, the right side of the nose BREAKS, the motor swings left, and the prop hits me...... It cut my forearm to the [I]bone[/I], severing the tendons to all 4 fingers, two to my wrist, and the tendon for my thumb was 95% cut...... To get an idea how bad it was, at the emergency room the nurses kept sending in other nurses/people to see it, all of them said "wow, that's a good one", or something similar....

So after a 3+ hour surgery to stitch my arm and reattach tendons, I have my hand/arm in this funky cast/bandage, to hold my fingers and wrist bent back to keep strain off the tendons... after 5 days I can start to move my fingers, and in 6 weeks I get the cast off and can go back to work......

I have never heard of the nose breaking like this... I have not yet even decided if I am going to keep the plane, but I have 6 weeks to think about it.....

Here are pics. I am not posting the actual wound pics here, as its pretty gross, but for those that do want to see, i am posting links to the pics...

Here is my wife's arm, demonstrating how I was holding the plane down on the table.

Here is how the motor/prop came around and hit me.

Top view.

Bottom view.

Front view, you can see the chunk of prop that broke off on my bone.... we have not found it yet, I told the surgeon to be on the lookout, but he didn't see it either.... Luckily i am right handed an it hit my left..... My poor 4 year old daughter kayla was standing there watching (I had her behind the plane) and was freaking out!

now for the graphic pics...

May 21, 2012

Few pics of the eclipse we saw yesterday, there will be more later.... maybe.... lol

March 21, 2011

September 19, 2010

July 24, 2010

Just some fun....

January 10, 2010

First post of the new year WOOOO!!!!

October 01, 2009

OK, I guess I will stop being lazy and update..... Kayla is walking all over the place... I finally got the sprinklers in the back yard and am attempting to grow grass... Tomorrow is Kalyas 1'st B-day... Uhhh.... I need to get to bed...

June 01, 2009

Well, today we made the final step in adopting my stepdaughter Kyra. Its official now. They change the birth certificate and everything so it shows me as the dad.

May 03, 2009

Everything is good still.... I got a couple new toys, Kayla is doing great, Kyra is fine.
I was at Cabellas today looking at the fish, and some little girl walked up and pointed at Kayla and said "baby". I set Kayla down in front of her and she gave her a big hug... Kayla was exactly as tall as this little girl. I asked the father how hold the kid was, he said 13 months. Kayla is 7 months....

January 09, 2009

Well, a new year is upon us and I still suck at timely updates.... Kayla is just over 3 months old now... She has finally realized that she can control her hands, and has started grabbing at things. She also thinks its the funniest think in the world when the dogs play-fight and growl at each other, Its the one thing that will make her laugh hysterically... its so damn cute! The kitchen is 90% finished, just need to get motivated and install the last 3 counter tops.... I hate tiling...

November 03, 2008

Well... I guess its time for a mother of an update huh.... I have been so busy, working on the house, doing overtime at work, etc.... What time I do have for myself I didn't really want to spend typing on the computer... anyway, here goes....

Our Daughter Kayla Deelain was born on October 2, 2008.... She was 7 Pounds 10 ounces, 19 inches long, and perfect in every way. 2 pushes and she was out...

The kitchen update is still moving along, slowly.... We traded in the P.O.S. Hyundai for a Jeep Patriot when it developed a power steering leak and the dealer want $2000 to fix it....

Ummmm... that's it for now... guess it wasn't a big update, just big news.

March 29, 2008

Wow..... OK..... So its been a while....Again... Maybe I should just add that permanently to the beginning of my updates.... Anyhow. My wife is 3 months pregnant. We are making lots of progress on the house.. we did a mini-remodel on the bathroom (floor and toilet) and are in the middle of a major kitchen remodel... pics will come... eventually... Ill also be updating the "my toys" section soon because I've lots of cool new stuff...

Old News

"Try not! Do, or do not. There is no try." -Yoda

We must not be proud, nor be humble. Pride is a weakness, causing many to die needlessly, many to falter. Humility would lessen Our Resolve, for it takes away Our Confidence. We must not Judge. Evil will always present itself, do not look for it, for it will find you. When Evil has presented itself, slay it and Cleanse the Land! Remember, the Heart contains a Creatures Evil. Although a Creature may appear Evil on the outside, look for it Truthfully from the Heart.
-Unknown Paladin
Heres some links to keep you busy.

Do you have a favorite site you dont see here?
E-Mail it to me..

Google Earth
Pictures from SPACE, look hard enough and you can find your house, you might even see your CAR parked out front!

My Myspace page
Here is a link to my myspace page.

The Jeep Wiki
A Jeep community built encyclopedia. Want to know something about jeeps? You can probably find it here.

Funny Stuff

Dont Throw a Brick Straight Up
A Stupid Person's Guide To Life
If you can read this, and not laugh out loud at least once, something is seriously wrong with you!

Things People Said
Just funny things people have said about everything.

The Dialectizer
Friggin funny!!!

Femme Fatales Homepage/Memorial
This site was made by one of my very best friends in the world, Ariane AKA/ Fate [FeFa]. It was originaly a homepage for her Quake II clan "Femme Fatales" But Is now a memorial to Corinne AKA/ RINN [FeFa], also a friend of mine.

An Online Dictionary
Do I really need to elaborate?

Alta vista Translations
Just what It sounds like.

InterTran (tm)
A really good Translation site, but a little slow.


This Website was Hand Coded By Kirk Sachs

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